Miguel González-Sancho
Deputy Head of Unit ICT for Inclusion, Information Society Directorate General, European Commission
Miguel started working for the European Commission in 1995, joining the Directorate General for Information Society and Media (DG INFSO) in 1999. He has held different positions relating to EU legislation and policy on ICT, dealing in particular with the implementation and review of the electronic communication directives, ICT aspects within the EU Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs, and the successive EU policy strategies on the information society: eEurope2002, eEurope2005, and i2010.
Over the last four years, he has focused on policy coordination in the areas of eHealth, eGovernment and eInclusion. Regarding eInclusion, he was involved in the preparation of the report on eInclusion from the eEurope High Level Group in 2005 and the declaration approved at the Riga Ministerial Conference on an inclusive information society in 2006. Miguel joined the ICT for Inclusion unit of the European Commission in 2007, where he is the Deputy Head of the unit and mainly works on policy, research and deployment action on eAccessibility, eAccessibility and ICT for ageing, and the general EU eInclusion strategy in the framework of the i2010 initiative.
Miguel González-Sancho is speaking on the Harmonising European Accessibility Guidelines panel.